Genesis Logistic management system


This project is developing for fleet and warehouse management of logistic companies.

The project is written in PHP language and a great frontend is provided by HTML, CSS and Javascript codes.

It provides user friendly design with JQuery and Bootstrap libraries.

MySQL database is preferred as the database server in the project and most of the communications between DB and user interactions provided with Ajax.

Fleet Management

Canbus data collected from vehicles is used for the analysis of orders, vehicles and drivers in the system. The data (fuel, location, duration, distance…) collected from the vehicles and the order data are interpreted together and the analysis of the order route is evaluated with real data.

A private online vehicle tracking system screen has been designed with Google Maps API for customers to track their loads. The system automatically sends sms text messages to customers when their loads approaches the delivery point.

By using the canbus data, the efficiency and the profitability of the vehicles are analyzed. Live status of vehicles can be monitored online.

Warehouse Management

An unlimited number of warehouses can be added to the system. Each warehouse can be divided into unlimited sub-sections. Rental fee, billing period and service fee can be arranged for each sections.

For warehouse rental orders, user select the non-busy section then the system creates a QR code for the customer’s product to be stored. After the user creates the order, the system automatically calculates the service fees and invoices them in the desired periods.

The software performs;

  • Dashboard for online monitoring of company, orders, vehicles, warehouses,
  • Web services for orders, invoices and vehicle traking,
  • Online order tracking (fleet and warehouse),
  • Performance reports,
  • Fleet vehicle monitoring,
  • Fleet order status and profitability tracking,
  • Invoice and credit tracking,
  • Multi language supports,
  • MySQL database transactions,
  • MySQL database diagnoses,
  • External soap or rest web services integrations.
  • Mobile friendly desing,
  • AI for better route management
  • External SOAP or REST web services integrations,

Total line:





Project start






Developed project files

This part is hidden for security reasons. Please contact me to see the details.
Line count, 		        File name
    Line count, 		File name
   885 			./fleet.php
    91 			./lang.php
    40 			./functions_convert.php
     3 			./diagnose.php
   111 			./ajax/warehouse_order_info.php
   147 			./ajax/order_info.php
   156 			./ajax/dashboard_info.php
    55 			./ajax/route_info.php
   177 			./ajax/vehicle_info.php
     8 			./ajax/session_info.php
   235 			./functions_arvento.php
    30 			./functions_captcha.php
   321 			./finance.php
    85 			./functions_get.php
   427 			./Connections/diagnose.php
   144 			./Connections/PDO.php
   177 			./index.php
   378 			./admin.php
    34 			./cron/arvento_canbus.php
     5 			./cron/arvento_gps_location.php
   172 			./cron/orders_route_update.php
   120 			./cron/warehouse_orders_update.php
   115 			./settings_password.php
    36 			./header.php
    31 			./temp.php
   319 			./settings_users.php
    20 			./inc_css.php
   457 			./tracking.php
    13 			./soap_error_handler.php
   885 			./warehouse_orders.php
    50 			./bs_sidebar.php
    15 			./bs_breadcrump.php
    11 			./ajax_error_handler.php
    10 			./functions_is.php
  1281 			./functions_gui.php
   382 			./settings_system.php
  1787 			./orders.php
    17 			./inc_jquery.php
  1858 			./functions_genesis.php
   413 			./settings_customers.php
    16 			./bs_authorization.php
    21 			./functions_set.php
   724 			./warehouse.php
   417 			./fleet_expenses.php
    16 			./footer.php
    26 			./log.php
 12721 total
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