This project is designed for web interface of the android based digital signage system. This application provides multimedia management, uploading and downloading management for media contents, TV streaming programming, remote layout management of devices, and central monitoring of devices in the digital signage system.
The project is written in PHP language and a great frontend is provided by HTML, CSS and Javascript codes.
The software performs;
- Web services for remote media players status,
- Web services for reports of broadcast contents,
- Web services for remote management of players,
- Web services for hardware monitoring,
- Web services for qr code generation,
- Web services for barcode price checkers,
- Web services for paid content display billing,
- Web services for cross platform application integrations,
- Multi language supports,
- One time, dailly, weekly, monthly broadcast management,
- TV group mamangement,
- Barcode price checkers management,
- Qr code generation for broadcast content,
- Firmware upgrade management for players,
- Google calander integration for meeting room TV management,
- Paid content display billing management,
- MySQL database transactions,
- MySQL database diagnoses,
- External soap or rest web services integrations.
- Monitoring remote hardwares (players),
Total line:
Developed project files
This part is hidden for security reasons. Please contact me to see the details.
Line count, File name
275 ./counters.php
47 ./calendar/mytv_cal.php
27 ./calendar/MytvIcsParser.php
753 ./calendar/class.iCalReader.php
331 ./mytv_event.php
44 ./diagnose_maintenance.php
120 ./lang.php
16 ./archive/mytv_currency_functions.php
32 ./archive/mytv_news_functions.php
19 ./archive/alert_settings.php
85 ./archive/mytv_weather_cities.php
28 ./archive/mytv_split_functions.php
106 ./archive/mytv_weather_functions.php
24 ./archive/mytv_hbys_parameters.php
214 ./logs.php
1417 ./video_yayin_yonetimi.php
99 ./medya_upload_frame.php
122 ./firmware_upgrade.php
11 ./diagnose.php
22 ./ajax/get_groups.php
99 ./ajax/get_device_infos.php
92 ./ajax/send_device_command.php
11 ./ajax/ajax_error_handler.php
23 ./ajax/get_group_devices.php
27 ./ajax/search_store_item.php
82 ./mytv_qsmart.php
14 ./file.php
53 ./unlink.php
498 ./addon_store.php
182 ./mail.php
332 ./report_device_timing.php
667 ./tema_yonetimi.php
763 ./addon_event.php
184 ./mytv_event_tv.php
572 ./mytv_weather_database.php
271 ./medya_resize_class.php
93 ./draw_graph_qsmart.php
66 ./functions_captcha.php
253 ./functions_fileio.php
792 ./mytv_related_functions.php
134 ./istatistikler.php
235 ./stat_daily.php
445 ./report_device.php
78 ./functions_get.php
68 ./Connections/PDO_mytv_temp.php
18 ./Connections/mytv_temp.php
61 ./Connections/mysql_migration.php
620 ./Connections/mytv_diagnose.php
94 ./mytv_clock.php
133 ./file_upload.php
50 ./excel_export.php
14 ./alert_minute.php
151 ./sistem_yonetimi.php
161 ./admin.php
286 ./addon_watermark.php
140 ./stat_device.php
300 ./functions.php
351 ./medya_merkezi_resize.php
1 ./mytv_hbys.php
140 ./stat_media.php
346 ./mytv_currency.php
292 ./qrcode_related_functions.php
99 ./modules.php
174 ./mytv_news.php
414 ./support.php
806 ./video_playlist.php
327 ./addon_event_logo.php
511 ./mytv_event_functions.php
135 ./functions_mytv_core.php
52 ./upload_frame.php
13 ./quick_menu.php
9 ./show_graph.php
641 ./medya_yonetimi.php
473 ./kullanicilar.php
30 ./web_service/client.php
68 ./web_service/runtime_log.php
186 ./web_service/info_message_v3.php
78 ./web_service/device_layout.php
113 ./web_service/info_message.php
50 ./web_service/reader_check.php
14 ./web_service/service_error_handler.php
137 ./web_service/play_log_v3.php
37 ./web_service/temp_service.php
150 ./web_service/info_message_v4.php
152 ./web_service/assigned_files.php
121 ./web_service/device_info.php
67 ./web_service/play_log.php
67 ./web_service/play_log_v2.php
73 ./web_service/add_log.php
336 ./web_service/service_related_functions.php
68 ./web_service/qr_codes.php
146 ./web_service/info_message_v2.php
1127 ./resim_yayin_yonetimi.php
63 ./header.php
4 ./temp.php
370 ./java_scripts.php
791 ./televizyonlar_v2.php
155 ./mytv_store.php
362 ./addon_invoice_functions.php
72 ./mytv_split.php
41 ./service_client.php
21 ./ajax_playlog_files.php
112 ./mytv_weather.php
160 ./eklentiler.php
143 ./draw_graph.php
108 ./yayin_yonetimi.php
489 ./addon_event_templates.php
269 ./kullanici_sifre.php
27 ./functions_video_ui.php
567 ./addon_invoice.php
96 ./visual_calendar.php
67 ./medya_uploader_frame_style.php
381 ./addon_qrcode.php
131 ./tv_performans.php
78 ./medya_merkezi_thumbnail.php
308 ./kullanicilar_secondary.php
196 ./page_styles.php
38 ./web_service.php
58 ./pdf_export.php
874 ./report_media.php
30 ./alert_functions.php
29 ./diagnose_play_logs.php
490 ./televizyonlar.php
35 ./medya_file_list.php
97 ./addon_watermark_upload_frame.php
56 ./mytv_watermark.php
303 ./addon_invoice_showinvoice.php
91 ./alert.php
441 ./indirme_yonetimi.php
789 ./mesaj_yayin_yonetimi.php
186 ./mytv_qsmart_functions.php
362 ./functions_ui.php
92 ./Media/endpoint.php
438 ./Media/handler.php
77 ./Media/Watermark/endpoint.php
405 ./Media/Watermark/handler.php
98 ./access_check.php
26 ./footer.php
51 ./login_fail.php
5 ./qrcode_preview.php
286 ./addon_qsmart.php
57 ./log.php
30083 total